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Have you ever considered how similar your blood is to that of cancer patients? Simply provide a 3 ml blood sample, and receive your report within 10 working days...
The early symptoms of most cancers are often difficult to detect. Cancer has consistently ranked among the leading causes of death globally.
According to data from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a division of the World Health Organization (WHO), global cancer incidence is projected to rise from 19.29 million cases in 2020 to 30.23 million cases in 2024, representing a 56.7% increase, indicating that cancer is an increasingly serious issue.
The use of AI proteomics early cancer screening helps unveil cancer, making it no longer able to hide.
Our precise high-resolution mass spectrometer is an advanced model.
It can assist you in overcoming the challenges of obtaining high-end research equipment, ensuring that you acquire efficient, advanced, professional, and accurate analytical data.
Elevate your research to new heights with our services!
My journey as an entrepreneur began with the painful experience of my wife's passing due to cancer. This became the origin and driving force behind my involvement in Precision Biomedicine
My wife and I retired from our teaching positions after turning fifty, expecting to enjoy the second half of life together. However, shortly thereafter, my wife was diagnosed with stage III lung adenocarcinoma, and our lives underwent significant changes.